As a congregation we have committed ourselves to this mission:
A Community Loving Christ, Building Disciples, Serving All. 

Daily Bible Reading

You are invited to join our congregation as we devote 1% of our day (15 minutes or more) to being in God’s Word

and to prayer. If you find it difficult to maintain the daily discipline of reading God’s Word on your own, then consider reading along with us. We read one psalm and one other Bible chapter each day. You can find the reading schedule in the weekly bulletin or This Week @ Faith emails. It can be encouraging to know that others are engaging the same Bible passages as you. Let’s listen to God’s Word together!


Prayer is essential to the Christian life because it is our way of connecting with God our Father, Christ our Lord and Savior, and the Holy Spirit our Comforter. May we make time to connect with God throughout the day and throughout the week. You can find ways to pray with others on our prayer page.  

Meeting Together

"And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near" (Heb. 10:25 NLT). 

We were never meant to live this Christian life alone, we were meant to live in a Christ-centered community. Meeting together with others is essential to holding fast to and growing in our Christian faith. On a regular basis, we need to connect with others who share our beliefs and values. There are many ways to connect with others by joining us for Sunday worship, meeting with others in a group, participating in a course, and serving together in mission.  

Spiritual Practices

Along with Scripture, prayer, and meeting together, there are other regular practices that can help us grow in our faith, including Sabbath, serving others and pursuing justice, sharing our faith with our words and deeds, forgiving others as we have been forgiven, setting aside time for silence, solitude, and fasting, and seeking balance in all these things as we abide in Christ. 

As mentioned on the top of this page, we will provide additional opportunities to grow more deeply in our discipleship to Christ in the near future. In the meantime, you can find resources on this page and website and also consider these tips for a Rule of Life


The Presbyterian Church recognizes two sacraments in the life of the church, baptism and the Lord’s Supper (or communion). These sacraments are integral to our faith because they remind us, in very tangible ways, of God’s power, presence and grace in our lives through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Parents, in particular, often have questions about what these sacraments mean for their children. You can click here for more information to address this and other topics. Please know that any of our pastors, elders or deacons would be happy to talk with you further if you have more questions.