The library is located in the Fireside Room. You can find the online library catalog here.
The library collection currently includes nonfiction and fiction books on a wide variety of topics such as: Aging - Alcoholism - Anger - Animal Stories - Art - Baptism - Bible Stories - Biographies - Children's - China - Christian Education - Christian Life - Christmas - Church History - Commentaries - Communication - Concordances - Consolation - Conversion - Creeds - Cults - Devotionals - Dictionaries - Discipleship - Drama - Easter - Ethics - Etiquette - Evangelism - Exercise Fairy Tales - Faith - Families - Fantasy Fiction - Finance - Forgiveness - God - Grief Holy Spirit - Hope - Jesus Christ - Marriage - Men- Missions - Morals - Mysteries - Obedience - Occult - Parenting - Poetry -Praise - Prayer - Priorities - Prophesy - Religions - Resurrection - Romance Salvation - Science Fiction - Self-Esteem Sermons - Service - Single Life - Sports - Stewardship - Stress - Thanksgiving Time - Westerns - Women - Worship - Youth.
All regular attendees and members of the church may borrow materials from the library. Visitors may use the books within the building only, unless with permission of the librarian.
All books and audio/visual materials can be borrowed for one month (nothing to sign). Return all items to the Book Return baskets found in the Fireside Room or at the Library bookcase in the Narthex.
Donations of funds and of materials in good condition that help to accomplish the library's mission and published after 1999, are accepted with disposal subject to the discretion of the Library staff.