“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” Go. Not only the first word in the Great Commission, but a word found throughout scripture, as far back as Abraham. It is God’s encouragement to live our faith in the world. It is the “out” in the discipleship “up-in-out” triad. At Faith church, we embrace God’s encouragement by facilitating opportunities with the goal of engaging everyone in our congregation. Faith has a history of being Spirit-led, of responding to inspirations that “bubble-up” from individuals. This creates a portfolio of mission and outreach opportunities that tap into our community’s time, talents, and treasure as means of responding to God’s call. We strive to answer that call wherever it takes us; in our local community and also anywhere in the world where people thirst for the Gospel. We also recognize our own campus serves as a hub for other disciples outside our congregation to do these good works. We are keenly aware that these opportunities are realized only when undertaken with prayerful intentionality, remembering this is God’s will, not our will, being done. Mission and Outreach are ways to extend beyond our doors to meet, heal, clothe, feed, and house people, to restore Creation, all as a means of making it known what Jesus has done for us.