Joining a group is a great way of
staying connected with others
on your journey of faith.
Joining a group is a great way of
staying connected with others
on your journey of faith.
Life Groups
Life groups are small groups of people who meet regularly to grow together in their Christian faith.
A typical group meeting includes sermon-centered Bible study and discussion, fellowship and prayer. Members support and encourage one another in applying God’s Word to their daily lives.
Interested in joining a group? Contact the church office at (916) 428-3439.
Presbyterian Women
On the Fourth Wednesday of most months from September to May, the women of Faith meet in Link Hall for fellowship and enjoy a guest speaker. Participants bring their own lunch; drinks and dessert are provided. Presbyterian Women (PW) sponsor a child through World Vision and support the mission of Faith Presbyterian Church worldwide.
Information about upcoming PW meetings can be found in the PresbyNews and in Monday’s “This Week @ Faith” email. To be placed on the distribution list for either one, please contact the office (916-428-3439).
2024/25 Schedule (11:30 am start time): September 25, 2024
October 23; November 20; December 4 (off-site luncheon); January 22, 2025; February 26; March 26; April 23; and May 28.
All women in the congregation are warmly invited to attend.
For more information contact, Kathy Ellis at
Missional Community on Faith & Politics
This group of Faith members is dedicated to showing the love of Christ to the world by promoting civil discourse and healing political polarization. They meet regularly for scripture-informed discussions about books and issues. They also publish a monthly newsletter (The Bridge) and plan events designed to promote civil discourse and heal political polarization.
Women’s Bible Study Fellowship (BSF)
Women’s Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) meets at Faith on Tuesday mornings from September through May. A program for children two years old through kindergarten is held concurrently. All women are welcome. For a brief overview of the organization, click here.
Alcoholics Anonymous
The Greenhaven Group of Alcoholics Anonymous holds meetings either onsite at Faith Presbyterian Church or on Zoom. Here is the current schedule of in-person meetings at Faith:
For more information, visit the AA Sacramento website.